Growth in Japan in pharmaceuticals, medical devices and technology. Business building and M&A. Since 1997 in Tokyo – more than 25 years experience and track record. Based on a solid technology and science fundament.
- M&A
- market-entry, entry-strategy, entry execution
- turn-round
- building ventures
- working with investors

Strategy for growth in Japan
Japan is one of the largest and most interesting markets globally.
Strategy and growth
Worked with the CEO and top executive management Board of the world’s largest toy company, a number of Silicon Valley based SaaS (Software as a Service) companies on accelerating growth in Japan, determining the reasons holding the companies back in Japan, developing go-to-market and growth strategies based on thorough analysis of Japan’s relevant markets, competitive advantage, and implementation.
Working on a wide range of cross-border M&A projects from Tokyo. Worked with NTT Communication’s global M&A team on their investment and acquisition strategy for all of Europe and 17 industry sectors verticals. Assisted a French pharmaceutical multinational acquire a pharmaceutical factory near Tokyo. As Board Director of a stock market listed Japanese group worked on the Board / decision making level on M&A transactions.
Pharmaceutical industry and medical devices
Japan is one of the world’s largest and most interesting pharmaceutical markets with about US$ 120 billion size, and undergoing fundamental transformations. Working with large pharmaceutical multinationals, eg we helped with acquisition of a Japanese pharma factory, worked with cell therapy ventures, with medical device companies. Currently projects in preparation with ventures developing antibody therapies for cancer, cell therapy venture developing immune system therapies, and several others.
Market entry to Japan and turn-round
Worked with a large number of European and US companies on their market entry preparations, and turn-round projects. For a silicon valley digital marketing company we worked on Japan market entry preparations and strategy choices, for another silicon valley SaaS group we worked on their “third market” entry, identified the factors holding back their growth in Japan, and created strategy and go-to-market plan.
Financial industry
For about 100 portfolio managers at major investment funds we performed analyst-type research work mainly on Japan originating global paradigm shifts, eg in mobile internet, mobile payment and digital money. Recently we additionally worked for the Board of the Japan fund of a global investment bank on their strategy to invest in Japan’s venture sector.
Japan market research
Worked on a large range of market research projects in the internet, mobile internet, pharma and other technology sectors. Market research projects – usually part of market-entry and growth acceleration projects – include Japan’s SaaS, omni-channel, customer experience management (CMX, CX), Japan’s mobile base station market, precision timing equipment market, digital money and many more markets.