Financial industry


We have advised more than 100 portfolio managers including some of the worlds largest investment funds and Boards of Directors of investment funds, on investment target companies, including due diligence and analysis, on the impact of industry inflection points, on investment strategies into Japan’s rapidly growing venture investment ecosystem.

We worked with the portfolio managers of one of the largest global investment funds on the impact of technology inflections originating from Japan on global investment portfolios: mobile payment, e-money, the transition from incandescent to GaN based solid state lighting, software and OS for smartphones etc.

Portfolio managers of one of the world’s largest investment firms engaged us to understand the impact of technology inflections driven by innovation/inventions from Japan on global investment portfolios, as well as analysis of partical companies.

We focused on innovation/ inventions originating from Japan, including mobile payments, e-money, the transition from incandescent to GaN based solid state lighting.

Directly and via investment sector service companies we worked with around 100 fund managers on similar analyst-type projects, analysing large scale global technology inflection as well as analysis of particular companies.

We delivered detailed reports, as well as interactive conferences with portfolio managers and their team of analysts, where questions included “what would you do as CEO of this particular company”, or detailed value chain analysis of industry sectors, eg software for smartphones.

  • we created detailed industry sector analysis on value chains, supply chains, patent landscape, licensing relationship landscape, barriers to entry, “moats” of companies, strategies of companies
  • interactive sessions with portfolio managers and their teams of analysts
  • research reports
  • industry areas include:
    • mobile payments, including QR code payments
    • e-money, including prepared fare cards
    • GaN industry, including the transition from incandescent to GaN based solid state lighting
    • software and OS for smartphones
    • and more

For CEO/Fund Manager and Board of Directors Japan fund of one of the largest global investment banks we worked on strategies to invest in Japan’s venture ecosystem

We created an overview of Japan’s venture ecosystem, start-ups, university spin-outs, and venture investment funds, and exits.

We created strategy alternatives for investing in Japan’s venture ecosystem, including

  • investments in an existing Japanese fund as limited partners,
  • setting up and managing a new investment fund
  • creating a bespoke venture fund managed by Japanese specialized VC funds offering sub-funds for third parties
  • fund-of-funds, ie investing as limited partner in a portfolio of VC funds

We organized an interactive conference with CEO/Fund Manager and Board of Directors, presenting and discussing our overview over Japan’s VC industry, and we invited representatives/Partners of leading Japanese funds to present their investment principles, and overview of their funds