Japan’s energy – myths versus reality

Japan energy situation. Energy is governed by nature, and nature cannot be fooled (Feynman). I analyze Japan's energy markets from the physics viewpoint
in cooperation with the Stockholm School of Economics at the Embassy of Sweden
in cooperation with the Stockholm School of Economics at the Embassy of Sweden

European Institute of Japanese Studies Academy Seminars presents:

  • “Japan’s Energy – Myths vs Reality”
  • Speaker: Dr. Gerhard Fasol, President, Eurotechnology Japan K.K.
  • Wednesday, June 19th, 2013, 18:30 – 21:00
  • Embassy of Sweden, Alfred Nobel Auditorium
  • Stockholm School of Economics, European Institute of Japanese Studies

for details and registration click here

Announcement on the webpage of Stockholm School of Economics

About the talk:

Japan’s electricity companies earn about US$ 200 billion annually in revenues, and until the Fukushima nuclear accident, about 30% of energy was generated by nuclear power plants, which are currently switched off except for two nuclear plants in Kansai region. Renewable energy sectors expect the rapid built-up of renewable sources in Japan to continue, ie; solar energy, wind, geo-thermal and other sources to follow. METI is also working on liberalization of Japan’s energy markets. Japan’s energy sector undergoes rapid changes and presents large opportunities. In the presentation, we will hear some of the myths about electricity and energy in Japan, and the realities. We will also hear how foreign companies can succeed in Japan’s energy sector.

About the speaker:

Dr. Gerhard Fasol is physicist and entrepreneur who has worked since 1984 with Japan’s high-tech sector. He worked on the entrance strategies into Japan’s environmental and energy sector for one of Europe’s largest engineering multi-nationals, and for US investment funds and venture companies on market entry into Japan’s energy sector. Gerhard also organizes annual “Ludwig Boltzmann Symposia on Energy” for CEOs and leaders of Japan’s energy sector.
Gerhard graduated with a PhD in Physics from Cambrige University/Trinity College. He was tenured faculty member in Physics at Cambridge University, and Associate Professor at Tokyo University’s Electrical Engineering Faculty and led a JST-Sakigake project on spin electronics before founding Eurotechnology Japan KK.

  • Date: Wednesday, June 19th, 2013
  • Time:
  • 6.30 p.m. – 7.00 p.m. Drink & Snack (served before lecture)
  • 7.00 p.m. – 9.00 p.m. Lecture and Discussion
  • Place: Alfred Nobel Auditorium, Embassy of Sweden
  • 10-3-400 Roppongi 1-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0032
  • Five-minute walk from Tokyo Metro Nanboku Line Roppongi 1-chome Station
  • Five-minute walk from Tokyo Metro Hibiya Line Kamiya-cho Station
  • Fee: JPY3,000 per person, payable at the door
  • Free for those who are from sponsoring companies (*)
  • Free for students, please bring your student ID
  • Language: English
  • (*) EIJS Academy 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 Sponsoring companies
  • Gadelius Holding Ltd., Ericsson Japan K.K., Nihon Tetra Pak K.K., Sandvik K.K.,
  • Höganäs Japan K.K. and in cooperation with the Embassy of Sweden

Announcement on the webpage of Stockholm School of Economics

The talk is based of the following reports, which you might be interested in:

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