Category: games

  • Google Play apps Japan: which android apps show highest revenues?

    Google Play apps Japan: which android apps show highest revenues?

    Top grossing apps (Feb. 18, 2015)

    Google play apps Japan ranking in Japan by gross revenues

    AppAnnie showed that in terms of combined iOS AppStore + Google play apps Japan revenues, Japan is No. 1 globally, spending more than the USA. Therefore Japan is naturally the No. 1 target globally for many mobile game companies!

    Android Google Play – Japan “Top Grossing” apps ranking of February 18, 2015:

    Note that the Android/Google Play ranking shown here is very similar to the iOS top grossing ranking.

    • No. 1 Puzzle & Dragons by GungHo
    • No. 2 Monster strike (by Mixi)
    • No. 3 白猫プロジェクト (= white cat project) (by Colopl Inc.)
    • No. 4 クイズRPG 魔法使いと黒猫のウィズ (= Quiz RPG (role playing game) The World of Mystic Wiz, the which and the black cat wiz) (by Colopl Inc.)
    • No. 5 LINE Disney tsumu tsumu (by LINE Corporation) (ツムツム = Tsum Tsum)
    • No. 6 LINE PokoPoko (by LINE Corporation)
    • No. 7 Dragon Quest Monsters Superlight (by Square Enix)
    • No. 8 LINE (by LINE Corporation)
    • No. 9 Final Fantasy Record Keeper (by DeNA Ltd)
    • No. 10 LINE Rangers (by LINE Corporation)
    • No. 11 Love life! School Idol Festival (by KLab Inc.)
    • No. 12 Logres of Swords and Sorcery – popular online RPG (by Marvelous Inc.)
    • No. 13 Runaway lives motorcycle Tiger (by Donuts Co Ltd)
    • No. 14 Clash of Clans (by Supercell)
    • No. 15 Chain chronicle – real scenario RPG (ChainChro = チェンクロ) (by SEGA Corporation)
    • No. 16 Actual powerful pro-baseball (実況パワフルプロ野球) (by KONAMI)
    • No. 17 Schoolgirl strikers (by Square Enix)
    • No. 18 Puyo puyo!! Quest (by Sega Corporation)
    • No. 19 LINE POP2 (by LINE Corporation)
    • No. 20 Granblue Fantasy (by Cygames Inc)
    • No. 21 Drift Spirits (by Bandai Namco Games Inc)
    • No. 22 Pro baseball Pride 2014 (by Colopl Inc.)
    • No. 23 Sengoku Enbu – KIZNA – (by Sumzap Inc)
    • No. 24 Dragon poker (by Asobism Co Ltd)
    • No. 25 Gandam Conquest (by Bandai Namco Games Inc)

    Japan’s iconic game companies created many game categories – this tradition carries over to mobile gaming now.

    Copyright 2015 Eurotechnology Japan KK All Rights Reserved

  • Japan apps: which are the top grossing apps in Japan’s iPhone app store?

    Japan apps: which are the top grossing apps in Japan’s iPhone app store?

    Top grossing app ranking (Feb. 10, 2015)

    by Gerhard Fasol

    AppAnnie showed that in terms of combined iOS AppStore + Google Play revenues, Japan is No. 1 globally, spending more than the USA. Therefore Japan is naturally the No. 1 target globally for many mobile game companies, and quite a few of the top grossing apps in Japan are of foreign origin – can you guess which?!

    iOS AppStore-Japan “Top Grossing” ranking of February 10, 2015:

    Note that the iOS ranking shown here is very similar to the Android / Google Play top grossing ranking.

    • No. 1 Monster strike (by Mixi) from rank 2 on July 13, 2014
    • No. 2 Puzzle & Dragons by GungHo (from rank 1 on July 13, 2014)
    • No. 3 白猫プロジェクト (= white cat project) (by Colopl Inc.)
    • No. 4 Dragon Quest Monsters Superlight (by Square Enix) (from Rank 12 on July 13, 2014)
    • No. 5 LINE Disney tsumu tsumu (by LINE Corporation) (ツムツム = Tsum Tsum) (from Rank 3 on July 13, 2014)
    • No. 6 Final Fantasy Record Keeper (by DeNA Ltd)
    • No. 7 LINE (by LINE Corporation)
    • No. 8 Love life! School Idol Festival (by KLab Inc.) (was rank 9 on July 13, 2014)
    • No. 9 LINE PokoPoko (by LINE Corporation)
    • No. 10 Logres of Swords and Sorcery – popular online RPG (by Marvelous Inc.) (was rank 14 on July 13, 2014)
    • No. 11 Clash of Clans (by Supercell) (was rank 5 on July 13, 2014)
    • No. 12 Runaway lives motorcycle Tiger (by Donuts Co Ltd)
    • No. 13 Drift Spirits (by Bandai Namco Games Inc)
    • No. 14 Actual powerful pro-baseball (実況パワフルプロ野球) (by KONAMI)
    • No. 15 Sengoku Enbu – KIZNA – (by Sumzap Inc) (was rank 8 on July 13, 2014)
    • No. 16 Sword Art Online Code Resister (by Bandai Namco Games Inc)
    • No. 17 Chain chronicle – real scenario RPG (ChainChro = チェンクロ) (by SEGA Corporation)
    • No. 18 Schoolgirl strikers (by Square Enix)
    • No. 19 Summons Board (by GungHo Online Entertainment)
    • No. 20 Puyo puyo!! Quest (by Sega Corporation) (was rank 11 on July 13, 2014)
    • No. 21 Granblue Fantasy (by Cygames Inc)
    • No. 22 LINE Manga – daily reload of popular manga free of charge (by LINE Corporation)
    • No. 23 Brave frontier (by Alim Co Ltd) (was rank 4 on July 13, 2014)
    • No. 24 Dragon poker (by Asobism Co Ltd) (was rank 6 on July 13, 2014)
    • No. 25 LINE POP2 (by LINE Corporation)

    Japan’s iconic game companies created many game categories – this tradition carries over to mobile gaming now.

    Copyright 2015 Eurotechnology Japan KK All Rights Reserved

  • XBOX Japan market entry strategy

    XBOX Japan market entry strategy

    Three years after market entry XBOX has achieved 0.2% sales market share in Japan

    Will XBOX price cut help?

    Microsoft introduced the original XBOX game console in the USA on November 15, 2001, in Japan on February 22, 2002, and in Europe on March 14, 2002.

    During the period January-June 2005, three years after introduction of the XBOX to Japan’s market, SONY sold about 2.4 Million game terminals in Japan, Nintendo sold about 1.9 Million, and Microsoft about 9000 XBOXes, about 0.2% marketshare.

    As of August 24, 2008, Nintendo has sold about 6.7 Million Wii, SONY has sold about 2.3 PS3, and Microsoft about 380,000 XBOX-360 in Japan, a 4% share in this segment.

    A few days ago, Microsoft announced a price cut of 30% for XBOX-360 in Japan – the video below gives our comments on this price reduction on CNBC.

    Here is a short summary of the CNBC-TV interview:

    Q: Do you think the price reduction is going to do the trick?

    A: No. In other markets maybe, but not in Japan.

    Q: Do you think XBOX can be successful in Japan? What will it take before Microsoft will give up and say it just isn’t working

    A: Of course Microsoft can be successful in Japan with XBOX. There is no law that XBOX cannot be successful in Japan. Microsoft generally is a company that never gives up. But they have to change their strategy for Japan.

    Q: So Microsoft isn’t doing the right things. What would the right things be?

    A: Difficult to say of course, if it was easy Microsoft would already have done this. The situation is that Nintendo has completely changed the business paradigm of the game industry. Microsoft’s XBOX is still operating under the old paradigm.

    Q: How long do you think Nintendo’s sweetspot is going to last?

    A: Nintendo have reinvented the game industry, and completely changed the business models. They also make a lot of their own software. All this puts Nintendo into a very good position.

    What can we learn about strategy for Japan from Microsoft’s XBOX experience:
    Global products, not adapted to Japan’s market, often do not succeed in Japan. Microsoft’s XBOX is a very good example. Microsoft has one of Japan’s most famous brands, so its not a problem of the brand.

    Microsoft faces three problems in Japan:

    1. XBOX is not made for Japanese users in mind
    2. Nintendo changed the paradigm of the game industry, and XBOX is still on the old track
    3. Of three global game console companies (Nintendo, SONY, Nintendo) two are both much stronger than Microsoft in games, and both are on their hometurf in Japan. Microsoft would need to invest more and focus efforts much more on Japan to succeed in Japan with XBOX.

    Learn about Japan’s game markets

    Japan game market report (398 pages, pdf-file):

    Copyright 2008-2013 Eurotechnology Japan KK All Rights Reserved